Saturday, March 21, 2009

In Conclusion....

I must admit meeting new friends is the best part. I tell you, the people you get to know in there are so great and cool. Appreciate them. I hereby, would like to thank all my friends for being a piece of puzzle which completes my life.

After reading much, now you've known the program which has been wasting the government's modal and the future leader's time. So, if you were chosen to be the "lucky" ones? Good luck and god bless you. Here's a tip for you to reduce the suffering and the boredom, take this program as a long, long vacation. A vacation which takes you away from the busy and hectic city. Relaxation, stress-free and no pressure. A period when you were taken out of yourself and be nothing. Be a flying bird. Take a time off and ENJOY!

P.S: Be a survivor. If I can come out alive, so can you.

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